G.R. No. 248350. December 05, 2022 (Case Brief / Digest)

Title: **Mendoza v. People**


– **Initial Sighting and Arrest:**
– April 15, 2016, at approximately 10:30 p.m.
– Location: Barangay Palanan, Makati City.
– Police, led by PO3 Rojas and other SAID-SOTG operatives, executed Search Warrant SW-16-288-MN against Jay Tan for RA 9165 and illegal possession of firearms.
– The police forcibly entered the house and found Joemarie Mendoza sitting on the floor with a pen gun, a small sachet of shabu, and two improvised tooters.
– Mendoza was arrested, his rights apprised, and continued their search, finding additional illegal items in a vault.

– **Procedures and Evidence:**
– Seized items were marked, inventoried, photographed, and processed.
– Marking done by PO3 Marcelo, assisted by Barangay Kagawad Jose Villa Jr.
– Preliminary Investigation leading to the indictment:
– The City Prosecutor’s Office received various documents including the Final Investigation Report, Laboratory Exam Results, Inventory Receipt, etc.
– Recommended indictment for violations of RA 10591 and Sec. 11 & 12 of RA 9165.
– Two Informations filed at RTC Makati: Criminal Case Nos. R-MKT-16-765-CR (illegal possession of drugs) and R-MKT-16-766-CR (possession of drug paraphernalia).

– **RTC Trial:**
– Mendoza pleaded not guilty.
– Prosecution witnesses included Kagawad Villa, PO2 Gimena, and PO3 Rojas.
– The defense presented Mendoza’s denial.
– RTC convicted Mendoza for violations of Sec. 11 and 12 of RA 9165.

– **Appeal to CA:**
– CA affirmed RTC’s decision.
– Held that Mendoza could not challenge the search warrant’s legality and the evidence was validly obtained.
– It was ruled that Mendoza was found in possession of the items in plain view.


1. Whether the CA erred in affirming Mendoza’s conviction despite the invalid search warrant and the inadmissibility of evidence.
2. Whether CA erred in affirming the conviction despite police non-compliance with Sec. 21, Art. II of RA 9165 as amended.

**Court’s Decision:**

– **Search Warrant’s Defects:**
– Found invalid for covering two separate offenses (RA 9165 and RA 10591), violating the one-specific-offense rule under the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure.
– The Court invalidated the search warrant leading to the arrest and seizure.

– **Inadmissibility of Evidence:**
– Waiver of arrest validity doesn’t affect evidence inadmissibility.
– Evidence seized due to an invalid search warrant is inadmissible.
– The plain view doctrine was not applicable, as the initial intrusion was invalid.

– **Chain of Custody Rule:**
– The police failed to comply with the mandated witnesses during inventory, violating Sec. 21 of RA 9165.
– The integrity of the seized drugs was compromised, signaling a break in the chain of custody, warranting Mendoza’s acquittal.


– **One-Specific-Offense Rule:** A search warrant must be strictly limited to one specific offense to avoid scatter-shot warrants, ensuring more precise and probable cause determinations.
– **Illegally Seized Evidence:** Evidence obtained under an invalid search warrant is inadmissible regardless of subsequent waiver to challenge the arrest.
– **Compliance with Chain of Custody:** Strict adherence to procedures in RA 9165 is necessary to maintain the integrity of evidence in drug cases.

**Class Notes:**

– **One-Specific-Offense Rule:** Procedural safeguards ensure warrants are specific and founded on probable cause.
– **Plain View Doctrine:** Requires initial lawful intrusion for the doctrine to apply and does not circumvent invalid searches.
– **Chain of Custody:** Essential to establish evidence integrity in drug cases, failure to comply necessitates acquittal.
– **Relevant Statutory Provisions:** The Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure, Sec. 21 of RA 9165, Art. III Sec. 2 of the Constitution (protection against unreasonable searches and seizures).

**Historical Background:**

– The case highlights stringent judicial interpretations aligned with protecting constitutional rights against unreasonable search and seizure.
– Reflects ongoing legal evolution to ensure police compliance with procedural and constitutional mandates in drug-related offenses.


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