G.R. No. 160215. November 10, 2004 (Case Brief / Digest)


Hydro Resources Contractors Corporation vs. National Irrigation Administration (484 Phil. 581)


1. **August 1978:** Hydro Resources Contractors Corporation (HRCC) was awarded Contract MPI-C-2 by the National Irrigation Administration (NIA) for the Magat River Multi-Purpose Project.

– Contract value: P1,489,146,473.72 (P1,041,884,766.99 in Pesos and $60,657,992.37 in USD at an exchange rate of P7.3735 to $1).

2. **November 6, 1978:** Amendment No. 1 signed: NIA increased foreign currency allocation for equipment financing to $38,000,000.00 for the first year.

3. **April 9, 1980:** Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) signed, allowing HRCC direct availment of foreign currency for purchasing necessary equipment and spare parts.

4. **1980:** Supplemental MOA included items like construction materials and permanent works.

5. **1982:** HRCC substantially completed the project, and on February 14, 1984, NIA accepted it.

6. **1984:** Due to currency fluctuations, disputes arose regarding the exchange rate applied by NIA.

7. **April 1983:** HRCC claimed underpayment due to price escalations and presented the “MPI-C-2 Dollar Rate Differential on Foreign Component of Escalation,” showing HRCC was entitled to an additional $1,353,771.79/P10,898,391.17.

8. **August 12, 1983:** HRCC submitted a claim to NIA, which was rejected on January 6, 1987.

9. **December 7, 1994:** HRCC filed for arbitration with CIAC (CIAC Case No. 18-94).

10. **NIA’s Defense:**
– Filed Answer with Counterclaim raising laches, estoppel, lack of CIAC jurisdiction.
– Sought dismissals and pursued legal recourse (CA-G.R. SP No. 37180 and G.R. No. 129169).

11. **June 10, 1997:** CIAC ruled in favor of HRCC.

12. **NIA Appeal:** Filed CA-G.R. SP No. 44527 with the Court of Appeals, resulting in CIAC’s decision being overturned on several grounds.


1. Did HRCC’s claim prescribe?
2. Is HRCC’s claim contrary to R.A. No. 529?
3. Should the exchange rates be computed at the fixed rate?
4. Was NIA’s Certification of Non-Forum Shopping proper?

**Court’s Decision:**

1. **Prescription:**
– **CA Decision:** HRCC’s claim prescribed as per Section 25 of the contract (30-day period post-administrator denial for arbitration notice).
– **Supreme Court:** Disagreed, noting final denial was on January 6, 1987, and HRCC responded within 30 days. Also, the 30-day period in contracts applies to disputes during construction, not post-completion.

2. **Applicability of R.A. No. 529:**
– **CA Decision:** Applied R.A. No. 529, barring payments in foreign currency.
– **Supreme Court:**
– Exempted the contract as it involved international funding from IBRD.
– Even if applicable, R.A. No. 529 voids the provision of payment foreign currency, not the payment itself.

3. **Fixed Exchange Rate:**
– **Supreme Court:** NIA charged interest at prevailing rates during the contract and now cannot backtrack to fixed rates. Estoppel applies due to NIA’s inconsistency in computation.

4. **Certificate of Non-Forum Shopping:**
– **Supreme Court:** Lawyer must be specifically authorized. Lack of proper authorization made NIA’s certification invalid. NIA had been guilty of forum shopping due to multiple identical lawsuits.


1. **Prescription:**
– Arbitration clauses in contracts generally apply during construction phases to prevent delays, not to post-completion disputes.

2. **R.A. No. 529 Exceptions:**
– Internationally funded contracts are exempt from local currency restrictions.

3. **Estoppel:**
– Consistent stance required. A party is bound by its acts and representations.

4. **Forum Shopping:**
– Filing multiple suits on the same issues constitutes improper conduct and potential case dismissal.

5. **Non-Forum Shopping Certificate:**
– Must be signed by authorized individuals; counsel must have specific authority.

**Class Notes:**

Key elements and concepts:
1. **Prescription:** Definitions and exceptions.
2. **R.A. No. 529 Application:** Contracts funded by international financial institutions are exempt.
3. **Estoppel Principles:** Actions bind parties; avoids inconsistent positions.
4. **Forum Shopping Definition:** Identity of parties, causes of action, and reliefs sought.
5. **Non-Forum Shopping Certification:** Role and requirements for signing authority.

**Historical Background:**

– **Magat River Multi-Purpose Project:** Major infrastructure initiative funded by IBRD.
– **Currency Fluctuations:** Issue pertinent during Marcos era with economic policy impacts.
– **CIAC’s Role:** Seen as an impartial body for construction disputes, its establishment aimed to streamline dispute resolution distinct from regular courts.


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