G.R. No. 174109. December 24, 2008 (Case Brief / Digest)

### Title:
**Rural Bank of the Seven Lakes (S.P.C.), Inc. vs. Belen A. Dan: A Case of Procedural Lapses and Diligence in Legal Proceedings**

### Facts:
The core of this case revolves around Belen A. Dan, who was employed by Rural Bank of the Seven Lakes (RBSL) starting in 1975 and ascended to the position of bank manager in 1982. Allegations of unsound banking practices against her, including self-loaning and loan facilitation to relatives and close friends, led RBSL to revoke her position in November 1998 following a preventive suspension and internal investigation.

Subsequently, Dan initiated a petition before the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in March 1999, seeking nullification of her suspension and revocation, alongside claims for backwages and damages. Parallelly, she pursued an action for damages against RBSL in the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of San Pablo City, a move considered by RBSL as forum shopping. The RTC dismissed this case, with decisions from the SEC and RTC forming the core of the appeals and counter-appeals culminating in the Supreme Court Petition under review.

### Issues:
1. Whether Dan violated the rule against forum shopping.
2. Whether Dan’s non-compliance with procedural requirements in her SEC appeal was excusable.
3. Whether the appellate court erred in overturning the dismissal of Dan’s SEC case for failure to prosecute.

### Court’s Decision:
The Supreme Court overturned the Court of Appeals’ decisions favoring Dan, reinstating the SEC’s dismissal of her case. It found Dan guilty of forum shopping, given the identical parties, rights asserted, and reliefs sought in both the SEC and RTC filings. The court emphasized the importance of strict adherence to procedural rules, including the necessity of verification in appeals, which Dan failed to observe. It underscored that Dan’s repeated neglect of these procedures demonstrated a lack of intent to progress the case diligently, warranting its dismissal.

The Court delineated the boundaries of leniency in procedural lapses, stressing that rules ensure the smooth administration of justice and cannot be disregarded without valid, compelling reasons. Dan’s failure to fulfill these procedural responsibilities, including her absence at hearings and the lack of a verified appeal, highlighted a disregard for judicial processes unacceptable to the Court.

### Doctrine:
The Supreme Court reiterates the stringent stance against forum shopping, emphasizing the permanent dismissal and possible contempt for violators. It further underscores the indispensability of procedural compliances, including verification of appeals, as foundational to the adjudicative process. Failure to prosecute one’s case due to neglect invites dismissal, adhering to the principle that litigants must prosecute with diligence and respect for the court’s time and processes.

### Class Notes:
1. **Forum Shopping:** The practice of a litigant to simultaneously file identical or substantially similar claims in different judicial or quasi-judicial bodies to get a favorable judgment, leading to potential conflicting decisions.
2. **Rule Against Forum Shopping:** A foundational procedural tenet aimed at curtailing the malpractice of filing multiple cases based on the same cause of action in different courts. Violation of this rule, as demonstrated in this case, leads to dismissal and potential contempt.
3. **Verification of Pleadings:** A procedural requirement necessitating plaintiffs or appellants to affirm that the allegations in the pleadings are true based on their personal knowledge. Lack of verification renders a pleading fatally defective.
4. **Diligence in Prosecution:** Litigants are required to actively pursue their claims with reasonable promptness. Failure to do so, especially in the absence of valid reasons for delay, justifies case dismissal to prevent undue delay in justice delivery.

### Historical Background:
This case highlights the intertwining of adherence to procedural norms with the substantive quest for justice within the Philippine legal system. It exemplifies the Supreme Court’s continued commitment to maintaining judicial efficiency and integrity through strict compliance with procedural prerequisites, thereby safeguarding the equitable distribution of justice.


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