G.R. No. L-19052. December 29, 1962 (Case Brief / Digest)

### Title:
**Manuel F. Cabal vs. Hon. Ruperto Kapunan, Jr. and The City Fiscal of Manila**

### Facts:
The case revolves around the petitioner, Manuel F. Cabal, who was the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, being charged with “graft, corrupt practices, unexplained wealth, conduct unbecoming of an officer and gentleman, dictatorial tendencies, among other allegations. This led to the creation of a Presidential Committee tasked with investigating the unexplained wealth accusation against Cabal. On September 15, 1961, upon the Committee’s directive and Col. Jose C. Maristela’s request, Cabal was ordered to testify against himself, which he refused, invoking his constitutional right against self-incrimination. The Committee then referred the matter to the City Fiscal of Manila, who subsequently charged Cabal with contempt. The charge, filed as Criminal Case No. 60111, was presided over by respondent Judge Ruperto Kapunan, Jr., who, despite Cabal’s motion to quash based on several grounds including the constitutional right against self-incrimination, denied the motion. Cabal then petitioned to the Supreme Court for certiorari and prohibition with a preliminary injunction to restrain further proceedings and to challenge the Committee’s and Fiscal’s actions.

### Issues:
1. Whether the proceedings before the Presidential Committee are civil or criminal in nature.
2. Whether Cabal’s constitutional right against self-incrimination was violated by the order compelling him to testify.
3. Whether the City Fiscal had the authority to file the contempt charge against Cabal.
4. Whether the charge filed contains multiple offenses.

### Court’s Decision:
The Supreme Court sided with Cabal, highlighting several key points:
– The Court determined that while the Committee was initially formed for administrative investigation into Cabal’s unexplained wealth, the application of Republic Act No. 1379 (Anti-Graft Law), which could lead to the forfeiture of property, rendered the proceedings penal or criminal in nature since such forfeiture is considered as a penalty.
– Based on the penal nature of the proceedings, Cabal’s constitutional right against self-incrimination was applicable, entitling him to refuse not only to answer incriminatory questions but also to refuse taking the witness stand.
– The petition did not need to delve into the authority of the City Fiscal to file the charge or whether the charge contained multiple offenses due to the resolution based on the constitutional right against self-incrimination.

### Doctrine:
This case reiterates the doctrine that proceedings for forfeiture of property under accusations of unexplained wealth, although initiated administratively, are penal or criminal in nature due to the punitive aspect of forfeiture. Consequently, the constitutional protection against self-incrimination applies, protecting individuals from being compelled to testify against themselves in such proceedings.

### Class Notes:
– **Constitutional Right Against Self-Incrimination**: In criminal, penal, or quasi-criminal proceedings, an accused or respondent can refuse to answer incriminatory questions and also refuse to take the witness stand.
– **Nature of Administrative Proceedings Leading to Penal Consequences**: Proceedings that may lead to penalties such as the forfeiture of properties are considered criminal or penal in nature for the application of constitutional rights such as the right against self-incrimination.
– **Authority and Process in Contempt Charges**: While not elaborated in the decision due to the focus on the constitutional issue, the procedure and authority to file contempt charges, particularly in the context of administrative investigations leading to criminal or penal consequences, remain an area requiring specific lawful provisions and adherence to constitutional rights.

### Historical Background:
This case illustrates the intricate balance between administrative investigations into conduct of public officials and the constitutional rights afforded to individuals, amidst the broader context of efforts to combat corruption and unexplained wealth within the government framework in the Philippines. It underscores the judiciary’s role in scrutinizing the interplay between administrative and penal proceedings, especially concerning constitutional protections like the right against self-incrimination.


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