G.R. No. 72005. May 29, 1987 (Case Brief / Digest)

Philippine British Assurance Co., Inc. v. Intermediate Appellate Court, Sycwin Coating & Wires, Inc., and Dominador Cacpal

– Sycwin Coating & Wires, Inc. (respondent) filed a complaint for collection of a sum of money against Varian Industrial Corporation with the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon City.
– During the trial, Sycwin attached properties of Varian due to a supersedeas bond.
– To lift the attachment, Varian posted a counterbond of P1,400,000 through Philippine British Assurance Co., Inc. (PBAC).
– The RTC ruled in favor of Sycwin on December 28, 1984, ordering:
1. Payment of P1,401,468.00 plus interest.
2. 5% of the principal as liquidated damages.
3. P30,000 as exemplary damages.
4. 15% of the principal as attorney’s fees.
5. Costs of suit.
– Varian appealed and Sycwin requested execution pending appeal, approved by the Intermediate Appellate Court (IAC).
– Varian’s properties were not delivered upon the writ of execution’s demand.
– Sycwin petitioned the IAC to enforce the counterbond against PBAC, which the IAC granted on September 12, 1985, leading PBAC to file this Petition for Review on Certiorari.

1. Whether an order of execution pending appeal can be enforced against a counterbond posted to lift an attachment.
2. The necessity of a motion for reconsideration before filing a petition for certiorari in this context.

**Court’s Decision:**
1. **Execution Pending Appeal on Counterbond:**
– The Court upheld that the counterbond under Section 5, Rule 57 of the Rules of Court secures “any judgment” for the attaching creditor.
– Section 17, Rule 57 specifies that the surety on the counterbond becomes liable if execution is unsatisfied, applying to judgments pending appeal.
– Applying the principle that courts should not distinguish where the law does not, the Court held the counterbond covers both final and non-final judgments.
– The Court referenced Towers Assurance Corporation v. Ororama Supermart, emphasizing that any unsatisfied execution—be it from a pending appeal or final judgment—can be charged against the counterbond, provided procedural conditions are met.

2. **Motion for Reconsideration:**
– Normally, a motion for reconsideration is required before certiorari, but the Court allowed it here due to urgent need.
– The Court acknowledged exceptions to the rule, such as where immediate relief is essential to prevent injustice or undue harm.

1. **Liability on Counterbond:**
– A counterbond posted under Section 5, Rule 57, to lift attachment, is liable for any judgment meandering through various stages of litigation, including pending appeal.
– The execution until satisfied, then, binds the counterbond, irrespective of the judgment’s executory finality.

2. **Exceptions to Motion for Reconsideration Requirement:**
– In cases expressing urgency or significant immediate need, the general requirement for a motion for reconsideration before certiorari can be dispensed.

**Class Notes:**
– **Elements of Counterbond Liability:**
1. Issuance and non-satisfaction of execution against the principal debtor.
2. Demand upon the surety for payment.
3. Notice and summary hearing for the surety on its liability.

– **Rule 57, Sections 5, 12, 17:**
1. **Sec. 5**: Attachment and security via counterbond.
2. **Sec. 12**: Discharge of attachment with counterbond equivalent to property value.
3. **Sec. 17**: Liability on counterbond if execution unsatisfied.

– **Legal Maxim**: “Ubi lex non distinguit, nec nos distinguere debemos” (“Where the law does not distinguish, we must not distinguish”).

**Historical Background:**
– This case contextualizes the procedural adherence and interpretive leeway wielded by courts in post-judgment and provisional remedy scenarios (e.g., attachments, counterbonds).
– Reflects the judiciary’s stance of ensuring enforcement mechanics are fair, agile to meet immediate needs, without circumventing statutory dictates.
– Radiates a balance between rigid adherence to procedural formalities and pragmatic dispensation when urgent justice administration necessitates.


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