G.R. No. 143468-71. January 24, 2003 (Case Brief / Digest)


People of the Philippines v. Freedie Lizada, G.R. Nos. 99-171390 to 99-171393


– **Incident Timeline:**
– In 1994, Rose Orillosa met and started cohabiting with accused-appellant, Freedie Lizada.
– From 1996 to 1998, Lizada allegedly raped AAA, Rose’s daughter, multiple times.
– Specific incidents were alleged in August, September 15, October 22, and November 5, 1998.
– On November 10, 1998, AAA filed a rape complaint, and a medico-legal examination was conducted.
– **Procedural Posture:**
– Lizada was charged with four counts of qualified rape under Informations: Criminal Cases Nos. 99-171390, 99-171391, 99-171392, and 99-171393.
– Lizada pled not guilty, leading to a joint trial.
– On May 29, 2000, the RTC of Manila convicted Lizada of all charges, sentencing him to death for each count.


1. **Validity of RTC’s Decision:**
– Did the trial court err by not elaborating on factual and legal bases in its verdict?
2. **Sufficiency of Prosecution Evidence:**
– Did the prosecution provide sufficient evidence to prove Lizada’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt for each count of rape?
3. **Date of Offense:**
– Was the vague date “on or about August 1998” in the Information sufficient to adhere to procedural requirements?

**Court’s Decision:**

1. **Validity of RTC’s Decision:**
– The Supreme Court ruled that the RTC failed to comply with constitutional and procedural mandates, failing to clearly state findings of fact and law in its judgment.
– Despite this, the case was resolved on its merits to expedite justice.

2. **Sufficiency of Evidence:**
– For **Criminal Cases Nos. 99-171392 and 99-171393 (October 22 & September 15, 1998):**
– The Court found sufficient evidence of sexual abuse over the period encompassing these dates.
– Lizada was found guilty of simple rape but not qualified rape due to the lack of specific allegation of qualifying circumstances in the Informations.
– For **Criminal Case No. 99-171391 (November 5, 1998):**
– The Supreme Court convicted Lizada of attempted rape as the act was interrupted.
– For **Criminal Case No. 99-171390 (August 1998):**
– The date “on or about August 1998” was deemed acceptable, and the evidence supported a conviction for simple rape.


– **Requirement for Decision Clarity:**
– Article VIII, Section 14 of the 1987 Constitution mandates that court decisions must clearly state facts and laws forming the basis of the judgment.

– **Vague Date in Information:**
– Precise dates are not essential in a rape charge as long as the period alleged is near the actual date of the offense.

**Class Notes:**

– **Key Elements of Rape (Article 335, Revised Penal Code):**
1. Sexual intercourse.
2. Without consent.
3. Accomplished through force, threat, or intimidation.
– **Attempted Rape (Article 335 in relation to Article 6):**
1. Commencement of the crime by overt acts.
2. Does not perform all acts of execution without spontaneous desistance.
– **Civil Indemnity in Rape Cases:**
1. Automatically awarded upon conviction.
2. Defined amounts for moral and civil damages.

**Historical Background:**

The case exemplifies judicial adherence to constitutional guarantees ensuring detailed and reasoned decision-making. It also underscores evolving jurisprudence about appropriate range and specificity in criminal Informations, reflecting shifts towards protecting defendants’ rights to due process while balancing victims’ needs for justice. The ruling reaffirms the necessity for transparent judicial process and systematic articulation of judicial reasoning, serving educational and precedential purposes.


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