G.R. No. 150179. April 30, 2003 (Case Brief / Digest)

### Title
**Heirs of Filomena Almirol de Sevilla vs. Leopoldo Sevilla et al.: A Case on the Validity of Donation Inter Vivos and Deed of Extra-judicial Partition**

### Facts
The case revolves around the disputed validity of a Deed of Donation Inter Vivos and a Deed of Extra-judicial Partition concerning the estate of Filomena Almirol de Sevilla, who died intestate, leaving behind properties and eight children. Following her death and subsequent actions by other family members and heirs, the properties were subject to claims and transfers that led to legal disputes. Felisa Almirol, sister of Filomena, donated her share in one of the contested properties to Leopoldo Sevilla through a Deed of Donation, and a Deed of Extra-judicial Partition was executed to determine the distribution of another property share. The controversies led the heirs of Filomena to file a case against Leopoldo Sevilla and others, seeking annulment of both the Deed of Donation and the Deed of Extra-judicial Partition.

The case traversed the judicial system from the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Dipolog City, which rendered a decision on December 16, 1994, upholding the validity of the Deed of Donation but declaring the Deed of Extra-judicial Partition unenforceable against the non-consenting heirs. Both parties appealed to the Court of Appeals, which affirmed the RTC’s decision in totality. The petitioners then elevated the case to the Supreme Court, arguing that the Deed of Donation was executed under fraud, undue pressure, and influence, and contested the partitioning of the property.

### Issues
1. Was the Deed of Donation Inter Vivos executed by Felisa Almirol in favor of Leopoldo Sevilla valid despite claims of fraud, undue pressure, and influence?
2. Should the Deed of Extra-judicial Partition be declared void for being executed without proper consent and representation from all heirs?

### Court’s Decision
The Supreme Court affirmed the validity of the Deed of Donation Inter Vivos, citing that the allegations of fraud, undue pressure, and influence were not substantiated with clear and convincing evidence. It stressed the importance of the donor’s consent at the time of donation, which was found to be freely given by Felisa Almirol. The Court also declared the Deed of Extra-judicial Partition void ab initio, not merely unenforceable, because it was executed without proper authority or ownership of the property in question by Felisa Almirol, as she had already transferred her property share via the donation.

### Doctrine
– **Consent and Validity in Donations**: The consent of a donor in executing a Deed of Donation must be free from fraud, undue influence, or any form of coercion. The burden of proof lies with the party alleging the defect in consent.
– **Validity of Deeds and Contracts**: A deed or contract is void ab initio if executed without proper legal capacity or authority, and cannot be ratified or enforced.

### Class Notes
– **Fraud and Undue Influence**: Essential elements for voidable contracts. Claims must be substantiated with clear, convincing evidence.
– **Donation Inter Vivos**: Immediately operative upon the donor’s consent and the donee’s acceptance. The capacity of the donor is determined at the time of donation.
– **Extra-judicial Partition**: Requires the consent and legal capacity of all parties involved. If executed without authority, the deed is void ab initio, not merely unenforceable.
– **Legal Capacity in Contracts**: Consent is invalid if given without the legal capacity to do so, rendering the contract void.

### Historical Background
This case underscores the critical importance of consent, proper authority, and the legal capacity of the parties involved in the execution of contracts and donations within the context of Philippine law. It emphasizes the legal standards required to challenge the validity of a contract based on allegations of fraud and undue influence, reflecting the judiciary’s role in property and inheritance disputes.


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