G.R. No. 180168. February 27, 2012 (Case Brief / Digest)

### Title:
Manila International Airport Authority vs. Avia Filipinas International, Inc.: An Investigation of Contractual Amendments, Unjust Enrichment, and Attorney’s Fees

### Facts:
This case revolves around a lease agreement executed in September 1990 between petitioner Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA) and respondent Avia Filipinas International Corporation (AFIC), allowing AFIC the use of land and facilities at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport. Initially set at a monthly rental of P6,580.00, the fee was increased following MIAA’s Administrative Order No. 1 Series of 1990. Despite the increase, AFIC continued paying the original rental fee, which MIAA did not protest. Three years post-contract, MIAA enforced the increased rates retroactively, leading to disputes and litigation initiated by AFIC after being denied premise access.

The procedural journey took the parties from the filing of a complaint at the RTC of Quezon City, which ruled in favor of AFIC, awarding damages and fees, through to an appeal by MIAA at the CA which affirmed the RTC’s decision with modifications, eliminating certain damages awarded. MIAA’s subsequent motion for reconsideration was denied, paving the way to a petition for review at the Supreme Court.

### Issues:
1. The validity and interpretation of the lease contract amendments in line with the Civil Code and existing jurisprudence.
2. Applicability of the principle of unjust enrichment.
3. Entitlement of respondent to attorney’s fees.

### Court’s Decision:
The Supreme Court detailed its decision aligning with the CA’s, touching upon contract interpretation principles under the Philippine Civil Code. The Court found the CA correctly interpreted the lease contract, viewing amendments as needing mutual consent. It also deemed MIAA’s retroactive rental fee increase and subsequent denial of premise access as unjustified, establishing the principle of unjust enrichment in favor of AFIC and affirming the award of attorney’s fees due to MIAA’s unwarranted actions compelling litigation. The essential points boiled down to the interpretation of contractual amendments and the enforcement actions taken based on these amendments, which were found to be unjustified and a violation of AFIC’s rights.

### Doctrine:
1. Contractual amendments require mutual consent.
2. Actions contravening peaceful enjoyment and justified expectancy in contracts can result in unjust enrichment and are liable for redress.
3. Attorney’s fees can be awarded when one party is compelled to litigate to protect its interest due to unjustified actions of the other.

### Class Notes:
– **Civil Code Articles:**
– **Article 1306** posits on the freedom of contracting parties to establish stipulations provided they are not contrary to law or public policy.
– **Article 1374** underscores that interpretations of various contract stipulations should result from their collective consideration.
– **Articles 1654 and 1658** outline the lessor’s obligations toward the lessee’s peaceful lease enjoyment and the lessee’s right to suspend payment under condition of the lessor’s failure.
– **Articles 19 and 22** stress acting with justice, giving due to others, and the prohibition of unjust enrichment—requiring return of benefits or property unjustly acquired.

### Historical Background:
The case highlights the evolving legal landscape concerning lease agreements within airport facilities, focusing on the balance between administrative autonomy of entities like MIAA and lessee rights. It underscores the judiciary’s role in interpreting contractual terms within the scope of established laws and principles ensuring equitable conduct among parties.


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